WHEN: Thursday June 6th - Friday June 7th, 2024 (08:00-16:00)
WHERE: Nashville Fire Department Training Academy
2601 Buena Vista Pike Nashville, TN 37218
HOW: Enroll for this class by emailing NFDPeerSupport@nashville.gov
Include ALL the following Information:
Full NAME, Employer, Contact Number
Enroll Before May 31st , 2023
WHO: Anyone can enroll! ONLY 30 spots available
Class Information:
ASIST is the world's leading suicide intervention training program!
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is the only workshop of its kind. Updated continually to reflect new knowledge, ASIST has been empowering people to provide skilled, life-saving interventions for over 35 years.
ASIST is a two-day face-to-face workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations.
During an ASIST workshop, you'll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive.
ASIST is evidence-based. Here's what over 30 peer-reviewed studies and government reports on ASIST found:
Improves participant skills and readiness
Safe for participants, with no adverse effects from training
Interventions shown to increase hope and reduce suicidality
Training shown to increase general counseling and listening skills
Presented By:
Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network